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Maximise Your Sage300 Effectiveness: Conducting a Comprehensive Year-End Site Audit

The perfect time to Conduct a Health Check on your Sage300 Accpac is just as your Financial Year End draws to a close.

Person engaged in financial data analysis on a laptop with a focus on optimising business performance using software (not actual Sage300 Accpac). For illustrative purposes only; actual software may vary.

As your Financial Year draws to a close, it's the perfect time to conduct a thorough site audit or business review to ensure your Sage300 ERP software (formerly known as Accpac Sage), is optimised for the upcoming year.

A site audit (also referred to as a health check or a business review) allows you to assess the effectiveness of your Sage300 ERP, review business processes, and identify areas for improvement. Let's explore the key components of a year-end health check.

The importance of Collaboration between Finance and IT

Whenever we conduct a Site Audit, our first point of business is to set up a meeting with Finance and IT. Many organisations underestimate the importance of these two departments getting onto the same page. It's crucial to align your business processes and goals with the capabilities of your available technological infrastructure. By engaging both teams, we can identify opportunities for process optimisation, automation, and integration to drive efficiency and accuracy.

Review Version and Product Updates

Next, we ensure that your accounting software (Accpac / Sage300) is up to date by reviewing the current version and assessing the availability of product updates. Staying current with software releases is vital for optimal system performance, security, and access to new features.

Comparison: Owned vs Implemented Modules

When we do a Site Audit, we also evaluate the modules and functionality that your organisation owns versus those that are currently implemented. We compare this with your business requirements and establish if you own modules that have never been implemented, but that you might now need. Doing so maximises the value of your ERP investment by leveraging the full potential of the modules available to you.

User Permission Review

Performing a thorough review of user permissions and access rights within your Sage solution, helps maintain data security and prevents unauthorised access to sensitive information by ensuring that user roles and permissions align with job responsibilities and business needs.

High-Level Verification of Configuration and Setup

By conducting a verification of your Sage300 software's configuration and setup, we ensure that key parameters, settings, and master data are accurate and properly aligned with your business requirements. This verification helps identify any misconfigurations or inconsistencies that may impact data integrity and system functionality.

Identify GL Balances to Subledger Discrepancies

By performing a detailed analysis of your GL balances and comparing them to sub-ledger data, we are able to identify discrepancies and investigate their root causes. Addressing these discrepancies ensures accurate financial reporting and strengthens the integrity of your financial data.

Assess Training Needs

Conducting a health check on your accounting software also includes assessing the training needs of your Sage300 system users. We identify areas where additional training or refresher sessions may be required to enhance user proficiency and maximise the benefits of your Sage300 software. Investing in proper training ensures that employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to leverage the system's capabilities effectively.

Findings and Recommendation Report and Feedback

Following a Site Audit, it is important to compile a comprehensive Findings and Recommendation report to document observations made, areas for improvement, and specific recommendations for enhancing system performance and addressing identified issues. This report serves as a roadmap for prioritising and implementing changes to optimise your Sage300 ERP system. After compiling our report, we present it to key stakeholders so that we can share our findings and highlight the impact of any proposed changes.

A Financial Year-End Health Check is a valuable exercise that enables you to optimise your Sage300 ERP software and set the stage for a successful financial year. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your system's performance and efficiency! Availability for Site Audits is limited, and our calendar is filling up fast. Become part of the long list of successful businesses that took the first step towards optimising their Sage300 ERP system by getting in touch today and booking your spot before it's too late. Schedule your Site Audit now to secure your place and ensure that your Sage300 system is fully optimised for the upcoming year. Contact us today and make the most of your Sage300 investment!


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